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We’d love to stay connected

We’d love to stay connected

We’d love to stay connected

Dr Fiona Connell


MBChB, BMedSc, FRANZCOG, AGEs accredited Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon

Dr. Fiona Connell is a gynaecologist based in Auckland, New Zealand. The most rewarding aspect of her job is seeing her patients take control of their lives and reach their full potential. She has joined The Cyclist out of a desire to empower as many women as possible by helping them access information and point them in a positive direction.

Her Gynaecology training was finished at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne where she completed two extra years to qualify as an AGEs accredited advanced laparoscopist. She is a qualified Robotic surgeon. With over 12 years of experience in advanced endometriosis surgery, she had the privilege of creating and leading the Endometriosis and Period Pain Service at North Shore Hospital for eight years, where she introduced advanced laparoscopic surgery. She is also proud to have served on the Board of Endometriosis New Zealand for five years and continues to contribute to their Clinical Advisory Board. In addition, she serves on the Clinical Advisory Board for Mercy Ascot and Ascot Hospitals. When she is not being a wife, mum and doctor, she enjoys spending time working on her piano skills, knitting, and in general, creating beautiful things.